Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Journey Begins....

So tonight I finally realized that this journey of mine has officially begun. Christ is showing Himself to me in a million ways. All of these things have happened to me within the past month! 

(I plan on writing more in depth about each of these, but for now I just need to make a note to myself so I remember what they all are!)

1. Phoenix / dogs
2. Old friend David on Facebook
3. Stacy at SHAPE / mountain vs. valley / Sunday service
4. Kathy W. - spiritual friend
5. SHAPE / Sandy / networks with others
6. Jo Dobson / TK
7. Luann Snider
8. Alison / Alpha Gams
9. Boyfriends
10. My calling / purpose

I cannot wait to write more about this! 

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