Friday, October 01, 2004

things to do

run in circles in the sand then fall and roll around in it and then throw the sand up in the air and let it fall all over you. laugh. cry. call your exes. reconcile with enemies. call home. write your siblings a letter. lightening bugs: catch them. BBQ's. concerts. vacations. write a book. butterfly exhibits at the zoo--wear hairspray and perfume so they come to you. moon walks. dance in the hallways at school. go back to the very first house you ever lived in. watch home movies. rake leaves and jump in them with a kid. shovel the snow for your parents. take an airplane flight alone and then get off and take a vacation by yourself. meet new strangers. sit at a bar alone. go to see a sad movie alone and cry. bring a friend to get your carwashed. buy a poster of your favorite singer and put it on your door. email friends from elementary school. write a thank you card to one of your teachers. visit your highschool. go to your high school's homecoming football game. play with the puppies at the humane society. befriend a 13 year old. jump in a pool with your clothes on. do a keg stand. body surf. parasail. go to wisconsin with a group of friends. do things in the name of love. trust your heart. believe in fate and destiny. learn one new thing each day. vote. buy an old car. take your parents out to dinner. make a neckalce out of beads and wear it out. paint your walls and get dirty. color easter eggs and hide them even if its for yourself. bonfires. kiss in public. cook dinner by using your grandma's recipies. visit the country your ancestors are from. go to a minor league baseball game. watch fireworks. on your birthday tell everyone that its your special day. go to a seafood restaurant. try a liquid cocaine shot. be the first one on the dance floor. call a radio station and request a song. enter contests. live. have a pet. take a nap in a park. play on a playground. volunteer--be philanthropic. visit a nursing home and listen to their stories they want to share. try. fail. smile. eat. drink kool-ade. drink beer on the train.....more to be added later.......

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